Saturday, September 18, 2010

Basics --and read to the end of Chapter 2

Welcome to Read, Mark, Learn and inwardly Digest.

This is an experiment --an on-line book club. All are welcome. I have created this space as an outgrowth of Christian formation at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Richmond, Virginia, mostly because so many folks cannot come out to a mid-week evening class --they work --they don't like to drive after dark, or they've got kids.... I understand.

So, now there is no excuse not to join in conversation --this is available 24/7. Even from the beach....

I will be posting at least once a week, maybe twice or thrice. I am hoping that you will not just take it in --not just read it --but that you will comment.

In the ensuing discussions, I hope you all will identify yourselves --and please, if you do not have an on-line profile, you may use the "anonymous" tag, but please please please sign your name.

So --order the book. My first discussion post will be next week --please read to about page 28 (that would be the end of chapter two) or so, and come with your questions--comments--etc. Read the Forward too...

And, if you don't want to throw the book across the room, or if you are not in some way dismayed --I will be surprised. I know that I was ready to go fist-to-cuff with Hauerwas in the first few paragraphs.... besides, what's life without being able to articulate why somebody has rubbed your world view the wrong way?

Looking forward to working through this book with you.


johnieb said...

Johnieb Wood September 21 at 10:48pm Report
The book is in and, after reading the intro, I think I may say that there's plenty of room for tusslin'. These are issues that have been with me since seminary; did you know I originally was a "Campbellite": Disciples of Christ? It was the inadequacy of their founders' thinking that set me on my way. :-)

Margaret said...

johnieb --forgive me --comments are supposed to show up as an email in my inbox --and this one didn't! Sigh....

I am delighted that you are with us my friend. Look forward to reading this book with you!

johnieb said...

Of course. Shall we try it again?

Didn't you say you were about to post and get things started? I find I'm rarin to go, which may not last. Am I ahead of the pack and should therefore calm down?

I don't talk religion much anymore, I guess.

Margaret said...

Johnieb --some people have not yet got their books. Waiting for some to catch up. I presume you have read the first two chapters?!!!

Malinda said...

My book will be here on Wednesday and I am ready to tussle!